For the Blue Dolphin on Sanibel Island, today felt like a turning of the page, a new beginning.

Last week, the demolition permit for what remained of the Blue Dolphin structures was issued and the swift clearing of the lot immediately began.

Today, we were on the Blue Dolphin property as the final small pile of hurricane and demolition debris was removed from the lot.

At this moment, we’ve arrived at the point of the rebuild journey where the Blue Dolphin property is a blank slate of island land with a few surviving palm trees on it; but, even now, this property still feels absolutely magical with its unparalleled views of the most pristine stretch of Gulf of Mexico coastline on all of Sanibel Island.

The shorebirds have returned to frolic in the water. Ospreys are diving for fish. Dolphins are playing just a short distance from the shore. The beach is shell-strewn. The crystal clear sunlight still plays across the gentle waves. And the coastal breezes still whisper and rustle through the coconut palm fronds.

When you’re standing here, it’s easy to envision all that’s to come. The return of the Blue Dolphin. New buildings. Fresh landscaping. Guests arriving. Friendly conversations. Quiet moments. Sun-bleached seashells. Colorful orchid blossoms. Wildlife sightings. Sunsets at the shoreline. Countless heartfelt reunions with all of our cherished Blue Dolphin family and friends.

We’re one step closer to all of it; but just like most of the businesses on Sanibel, we still have lots of work ahead of us.

Over the past couple of weeks, our Sanibel Island community feels like it has finally gotten to the point where big steps are beginning to be taken on some of the most seriously damaged businesses. We’ve been present, in person, as the Island Cow was demolished. Over near Blind Pass, we saw the Mad Hatter, the Santiva General Store, The Sunset Grill, and the Lazy Flamingo all demolished. Just today, we were on the scene as one of our not-too-distant neighbors, The West Wind Island Resort was actively being demolished.

All across Sanibel Island, there are still many more demolitions, rebuilds, and renovations to go.

Some of these businesses have “Coming Soon” signs with new building renderings on them. Some of these businesses are still in the decision making phase. Some of these businesses have closed up shop.

At the Blue Dolphin, we are moving forward; and we are definitely rebuilding.

Watch the video below to see video we took earlier today (3.31.23) – and then continue reading below…

Click Play Below To View The Video

Additional Information

Our team continues to work diligently each and every day on the Blue Dolphin rebuilding process.

We are currently working on architectural plans for the new Blue Dolphin that will conform to Sanibel’s updated (and much more stringent) building codes (which have obviously changed quite a bit since our cottage resort was originally built in 1958). We are taking all the necessary steps to bring the Blue Dolphin back to reality, applying for permits, arranging contractors, adding our name to waiting lists, deciding on finishes and furnishings; plus managing, pursuing, implementing, and executing on each and every facet of the rebuild prism that requires our focus along the way.

Our best current estimate (now that we have been able to learn more about what the rebuild process + timeline for the Blue Dolphin will realistically look like) has us aiming for a reopening date in the first half of 2025.

In the meantime, we will continue to update all of you (our old friends, esteemed guests, and new acquaintances) with news and updates from each step along our journey to that opening day.

When we have the new building and room renderings, we will share them.

When we break ground for the new construction, we will show you.

We’ll be sending images and videos into your inbox all along the building process.

We’ll be sharing details (large and small) about everything you can expect from the new Blue Dolphin experience.

As soon as we have a firm completion date in place, and we are able to open up reservations to our new accommodations, we will let you know (beginning with personal calls to everyone on our VIP list).

And since we’re not on this journey alone, we’ll also do what we can to help keep you updated with exciting developments, news, and information about the rest of our community on Sanibel Island, too!

The entire Blue Dolphin team thanks you all for your patience as we continue putting one foot in front of the other until we reach the finish line.

We can’t wait to welcome you all back to our enduring, timeless, and (soon to be) brand new little corner of heaven on Sanibel Island!

Be sure to connect with us on Instagram and Facebook (and check back every so often on our “News” page) to follow our progress!

With love,

The Blue Dolphin Team

