9/30/22 UPDATE: Friends and loyal guests of the Blue Dolphin:

As we mentioned in our earlier update on Facebook, all of our guests and the entire Blue Dolphin team evacuated before the storm. We are grateful that all of our team members are safe and accounted for.

Now that we are in the first stages of gaining access to the initial reports of on-the-ground conditions on Sanibel Island, we have learned that the Blue Dolphin has sustained significant damage.

Our intention is to rebuild the Blue Dolphin better than ever.

With the physical condition of the Sanibel Causeway restricting re-entry to Sanibel Island until the necessary repairs are made (or alternate island access methods are put in place), we are at the very beginning of what will surely be a long and methodical journey ahead. The City of Sanibel is discussing contracting ferries as a temporary solution.

The Blue Dolphin is a cherished and magical place for us — and for so many of you. We know how many of you treasure the vivid and enduring memories you hold of time spent at this landmark property. We understand how difficult this news will be for many of you to hear.

For those of you who have existing reservations for upcoming stays at the Blue Dolphin, we appreciate your patience. We are currently still in the aftermath of this major hurricane. We do not have our power back on and we have very limited access to internet and phone resources. Please rest assured, we are already working on a plan to contact each and every one of you individually (as soon as the scenario permits) to touch base about your stay.

The main phone number for the Blue Dolphin is not operational at this time. While we currently do not have access to reliable phone lines, we did want to provide all of you with Charlene’s phone number (239-322-8440) so you will be able to contact the Blue Dolphin moving forward. We ask that you please do not call us at this new number until we post a future update that we have more reliable phone service.

For now, the best way to contact the Blue Dolphin is via email at: charlene@bluedolphinsanibel.com

Please be patient, we will answer all email messages as soon as our access to reliable internet service allows.

All of us at the Blue Dolphin want to convey how much your loyalty and enthusiasm for our beachfront hideaway means to us; and how much strength we have found in your prayers and messages of concern for us over the challenges of the last few days. We can’t thank you all enough.

We will continue to provide updates here and on Facebook as our plans for the future of the Blue Dolphin begin to materialize and take shape.

– Love The Blue Dolphin Staff and Ownership